Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Egad. I feel like a damn zombie. :/ This is the second day after my tooth extraction and the meds are seriously making me feel blur. I can't even focus on a to-do list. Writing this is taking loads of willpower and effort (hence why yesterday no post appeared).

I turned up at OBC but couldn't participate (firstly, I'm in no shape to do it and secondly, I promised my mom I wouldn't push my luck..) wish I did though. Sigh. My sis, Tuti was sick as well (now imagine this me with this gum ache which I'm guessing is because of the stitches and on top of that being sick, I'm so miserable).

Danny heroically joined in the fray but unfortunately could not continue as massive amounts of chemicals churning in his lower belly bubbled over and caused him to discontinue or else suffer a more humiliating retreat. Sigh. Could be the kurma chicken he ate the night before. Wait. Did he touch the peanut sauce? I'd better check. Danny suffers indigestion everytime he takes peanut sauce. :/

Before I nod off and start typing gibberish (you have noooo idea the number of times I pressed the backspace while writing this) I shall stop and continue on a day I am much more coherent.


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