Monday, December 28, 2009

Day 3 of Operation Clean

OMG! I finally managed to sort through my clothes. Now I need to sort through all the ties, scarves and bags. :/ Once I'm done with the accessories, then it's the bookcases (TWO of them). Sometimes I think my reading hobby gets a little out of hand. I have waaaayyyy too many books. My little boy helped me out when I was cleaning out my room. First he sorted the good hangers from the bad. Then he sorted all my shirts and made sure it was all buttoned-up and ready to be hanged. Then he started sorting through all his DVDs and VCDs. I gave him a nice big hug for helping me out.

Hopefully I'll be done cleaning my room in the next couple of days, 'cos I REALLY need to get back to work. I have no choice but to spring clean my room now 'cos my Mom really wants to start doing my room up in time for the Wedding Day. I'm pretty sure a month is enough, right? I certainly hope so.

This morning I totally overslept my alarm because I was up till late cleaning up my clothes cupboards. Didn't get to go run as planned but I made up by running later in the day. *phew*

Making a memo to self, DON'T sleep late on Tuesday night, 'cos we're gonna go run in Kiara Park at 5.45am.

Tonight, I also need to keep track of the time, and not to sleep too late. I have bowling in the morning (thanks to my sister who has to back out of the league at the last minute 'cos she started her new job - no sarcasm here... I actually do enjoy bowling so I didn't really mind).

Okay, okay. Time for me to get back to cleaning my room. Till next post,


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