Tuesday, September 6, 2005

New month, new job and of spirits

Well its the beginning of a new month. I am probably one of those few Malaysian bloggers who didn't write anything on Merdeka Day proclaiming the Independance of our country. Well, it figures. Not that I am not patriotic.

Anyway, back to the new month. Well I started my new job with hyper spirits (really really hyper). After about.... oh maybe 6 days of work, its starting to wind down a bit and now I think I am pretty much settled in. Almost.

I guess having the spirit counts but how long will that last? Have you ever seen that person at.. say a restaurant that is so smiley :) that it hurts to watch all that happiness and eagerness to serve customers? Usually, after about 2 weeks or so, that spirit usually dwindles and the next thing you know, Yawnsville. Next thing you know, either the person quits or eventually gets promoted.

So I guess, its not just spirits that help us through our daily working (shudder) lives. Its the dedication that a person has that determines which path we need to climb next. I sure hope my dedication kicks in... I am so gonna need it. Its not that my job is boring. Its anything and everything but boring. But soon the spirit is gonna dwindle and the next thing I know, I will find myself asking me what in the world am I doing?

It might happen.

Then again, I happen to like this job so I think I'm gonna stick around ferawhile. I get to meet lots of new people outside of my industry and I get to meet lots of new people in this industry. (pause)

Ok. So maybe I meet lots of new people.

Coming back to the topic though. To all those people who are going through that daily grind, if you don't like what you're doing, find a different job that you are passionate about. Passion is the key. If you are passionate about your job then you can be sure that you will as sure as hell be more dedicated to it. With dedication, effort and patience, we will surely reach the top.
