Monday, April 30, 2007

Long absence due to lack of connectivity

Yes. Yes. And Yes. I have not been blogging. Although this might not seem earth shattering but still, a feeling of lingering guilt hovers over my head like dark smog in a polluted place. I seriously cannot keep track of the number of times I wanted to blog but couldn't seem to be able to... no connection, no computer, no mood, all this numerous reasons and excuses seem to float around and its smothering me.


Lots have happened since I last blogged in.

First of all, I am no longer a lecturer.

Although that may not come as a shock for those who are real close to me, I found it rather disturbing as I actually found that I enjoyed lecturing. Ah, but that has passed and now on to new things in life.

I am now a company owner. Quite a step since my last job, eh? Proud owner of Zesqa Media, a company that specialises in media services, mainly video production (my passion), audio production and photography and digital imaging. Yes. I have banded with Danny and my sister, Tuti to form this company.

Ah. I take a deep breath as I sit back on my office chair typing this sentence out.

Of course, I have also been joined by various others that I would like to call family. Now these guys are like my little brothers and they are all enthusiastic (they'd better be!) about production and so here I am doing my best, not only for my family but my extended family as well.

On to other things then.

During the times that I have been absent (due to lack of connection to the world wide web... seriously) I learnt more things about human nature than I actually care to learn about. Some people are deviously self-centred in the sense that they feel every action the other person does is in many ways related to whatever this devious person is doing. I mean, seriously. The world doesn't revolve around one certain person. Get a life.

That three little words that has become the cliche of the world can sometimes be most satisfying to say to people who really don't have a life other than to cause additional trouble simply because they are bored, or simply put, retarded. You know who you are.

Before my annoyance really show, I'd better take a break from this post and continue blogging another time, and hopefully my next post won't take that long.
