Monday, February 11, 2008

Haven't been upkeeping but will begin to do so...

I realised that I have not been upkeeping my blog *again* and here I am tip-tapping my keyboard trying to catch up.. It HAS been a long time and in that time A LOT has happened. We are working (that is me, my sister and my other half) on some concepts for TV series and such. I tell you it has been quite a headache. My sister, who henceforth shall be know as Puteri, is our resident Talent Manager and in the past 3 weeks has seen probably about 100 over applications and about 80 plus people for auditions.

I guess some people still do want to be a star actor/actress and the auditions were pretty alright. It was just that it gets to be rather tiring having to sit through each audition. For her. Haha. I chose not to participate as I have other things on my mind...

I wrote a nice little light romantic story with a dash of humour in it, and I am really looking forward to actually making it. Unfortunately, what is a goal without obstacles. As Murphy's Law states, what can go wrong, will go wrong. But that is a story for another post, another day. Back to the story though, this was inspired by sister, who is also looking for love. Most of the stuff that happens in the story actually happened in real life. Well... except for some extreme stuff. I am not going to post my story up here. But I will post a link to the youtube vid once it has been completed. >.<

Don't you just love the internet?? But then again I am rambling.

Unfortunately *that word again* completely completing my proposal meant that I had to refrain myself from taking a holiday during the time when practically everyone else was on holiday. It was Chinese New Year and the country has two public holidays to honour it, and where was I? At the office, tip-tapping my keyboard. For those who are not in the know, my office is something that I proudly sit in to do my conceptualising, writing, video editing etc work and although sometimes the mess gets ahead of me *whose office doesn't get messed up once in awhile?* I never let that get in the way of finishing whatever I have to do.

Again I am rambling on and on about my office space.. this happens in real life too you know. Not just in the blog.

I take a pause and watch my "dear" sister sleeping.. *pause* I am so jealous!!!!!!!!!! I wanna sleep tooo!!!!! But no.. I have to finish this silly stinking @#&!^# *ahem* But I have to continue and be vigorous in completing my writing. Yes I do.

I am also at the end of my day’s writing quota so in order to finish it I have to get off this blog first. Will keep this space posted about what happened to my proposal, and so, until tomorrow, au revoir.