Monday, January 31, 2005

Been a few days...

It's been a few days since my last entry, but here I am again. It has been quite a busy week. My parents left for Indonesia (for a week), I went for an advert shooting (as part of a band), got my computer back (yippee!!!), got my new speakers (sigh) and I finally set up my computer in my studio. *pause* Well, sort of. It's still kind of messy but I'm getting there.

Right now, I'm taking a break from my editing. Of course, I still need to check my mail and stuff.

This week promises to be a rather hectic week, I reckon. I still got a few stuff to do like finish editing that music showcase which is due this wednesday (yikes), get my group's single on air (cross my fingers), release that darn single (cross my toes) and try and get a hold of that darn production guy who is suppose to pass me my next project.

Sigh. I probably missed a few stuff but then my trusty PDA will probably remind me (erk)...

Well, enough for now. Will keep this updated later. Till next entry.

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