Friday, January 22, 2010

Of things and updates.

Today I am blogging. Yes. I am. After more than 2 weeks of inactivity (I think), I realised how much has happened since I last blogged. Oh dear God! Sometimes when you are so busy doing lots of different things, some things get overlooked. I've been meaning to blog these past 2 weeks but somehow or rather it ran away from me. I put it off till later and later. One day became two days became a week and so on so forth. Sigh.

How did I spend New Year's Eve? Was at a BBQ hosted by dear friend and fellow bootcamper, Dr. Malek and Farhanah. Good food, great company. We stayed longer than we thought we would, had photo sessions and a good laugh. I'll find some time today to post up the photos. Heh. Will definitely NOT try and postpone that :D

Me, Danny and my sister, Puteri, worked during the first 2 days of the year (1st and 2nd Jan). So workaholic. Sigh.

Signed up for bootcamp (HOOYAH!!) and now we're at the end of our 3rd week at bootcamp for the month. I must say I see lots of improvements in terms of stamina and strength. First time I started, I couldn't even do knee-push up properly. Now, I'm training myself to do more and more toe-push ups (that actually feels like an accomplishment).

I'm glad my Dad got me into this. Made me realise that 13 years sitting on my bum really brought down my fitness level to below zero. I'm thinking to myself, how in heavens did I make myself get to this point?? I used to be a runner and played so many different sports when I was 17 years old. I was on the school team for softball and hockey, was captain of the girls football team, did aerobics AND step aerobics, played tennis and squash, was into netball, and I used to go running at the wee hours of the morning. 13 years later, I can barely get the willpower and strength to go up 3 flights of stairs to my 3rd floor office.

After OBC? I feel younger, more energetic and I've lost inches. I mean seriously. All this in about 2 months. I've tried lots of things to lose the extra baggage, and sometimes I do lose some but it all comes back rather quick (due to laziness and inactivity in terms of fitness... heh). I've been to gyms, spas, slimming centres (what was I thinking), and even tried cutting down my food intake (keyword: TRIED). But nothing worked as well as it has like it did for me these past 2 months. Am I gonna quit? Heck no. Why? 'Cos I won't know what to do with myself (in terms of exercising). It got to be quite a routine. Wake up 4-something. Leave by 5.15am. Exercise at 5.45am. Done at 7am. 3 times a week, four weeks a month. Love it, and won't leave it.

Today, got lotsa things to do. Have 2 jobs pending on edits, and need to sort through footage for my online show (which I shall be launching in this half of the year :D). On top of that I have to bathe my cat, clean the office, clean my office suite, and work in some time for some creative personal stuff. Hmmmm.... I feel like watching CSI...heh.

CSI. I just love crime stories. Although sometimes it seems repetitive, but I am always so into watching crime stories. Why? Because I like the feeling when it all gets revealed in the end. Whodunnits and Howdoosits. Watched Sherlock Holmes, and liked it for its portrayal of the characters. But best of all 'cos it was more of a Howdoosits than a Whodunnits. >.<

Wished I had more time to spend watching my fav crime shows but have yeah, I know I will one day, when I retire.... IF I retire. Hah!

Oh dear. Look at the time. Gotta go work. Till photo posting later,


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